1 1 2 MEETING HELD VIA ZOOM 3 4 TOWN BOARD MEETING 5 of the Town Board of the Town of Newburgh held at 1496 Route 300 in said township 6 at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, the 11th of May 2020 7 8 9 PRESENT Gilbert J. Piaquadio, Supervisor 10 Elizabeth J. Greene, Councilwoman Joseph P. Pedi, Town Clerk 11 12 13 PRESENT Paul R. Ruggiero, Councilman REMOTELY Scott M. Manley, Councilman 14 Mark C. Taylor, Attorney for the Town James Osborne, Town Engineer 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 REPORTED BY: Michelle L. Conero Court Reporter 24 3 Francis Street Newburgh, New York 12550 25 (845)541-4163 TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 2 2 MR. PEDI: It's 7 p.m. on Monday, 3 May 11, 2020. This is a regularly scheduled 4 Town Board meeting of the Town of Newburgh. 5 The first order of business is roll 6 call. Mrs. Greene. 7 MS. GREENE: Here. 8 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero. 9 MR. RUGGIERO: Present. 10 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley. 11 MR. MANLEY: Here. 12 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Here. 14 MR. PEDI: Next we'll have the Pledge 15 of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence. 16 (Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of 17 Silence.) 18 MR. PEDI: Thank you. 19 Mr. Supervisor, are there any changes 20 to the agenda? 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: There will just 22 be one addition but it's not an item for voting. 23 It's going to be a presentation from the Historic 24 Bridges of the Hudson Valley, an actual print 25 that will be hung in Town Hall. We will put that TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 3 2 in wherever we can put it in time wise, that 3 presentation. Other than that, I have no others. 4 Anyone else? 5 MS. GREENE: Nothing. 6 MR. PEDI: Next we go to the approval 7 of the audit. 8 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. So 9 I'm looking for a motion to approve this audit in 10 the amount of $570,757.39. 11 MS. GREENE: So moved. 12 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it. 13 MR. PEDI: Councilman Ruggiero, did you 14 second that? 15 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes, sir. 16 MR. PEDI: Thank you. Motion made and 17 seconded. Mrs. Greene? 18 MS. GREENE: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 22 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Next we have item 6 which is TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 4 2 a public hearing, Introductory Local Law 2 of 3 2020 permitting preschool and daycare centers in 4 the B Zone. 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Has 6 this public hearing been properly advertised? 7 MR. PEDI: Notice of this meeting had 8 been posted on the Town website since April 23, 9 2020. It was advertised in The Mid-Hudson Times 10 on April 29, 2020 and in The Orange County Post 11 on April 24, 2020. In addition, copies of the 12 notice of public hearing and the Introductory 13 Local Law were mailed to the clerks of the 14 municipalities bordering the Town in Orange, 15 Dutchess and Ulster Counties and the county 16 clerks of those counties. This complies with all 17 the requirements for a public hearing under New 18 York State law. 19 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, Mr. 20 Pedi. 21 So with that, does someone want to make 22 a motion to open this public hearing? 23 MS. GREENE: So moved. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Did someone make 25 a second? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 5 2 MR. PEDI: I need a second, please. 3 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it. 4 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded at 5 7:04 p.m. Mrs. Greene? 6 MS. GREENE: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 8 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 9 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 10 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 12 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 13 So with that, I'm going to ask our Town 14 Attorney, Mark Taylor, to give us a brief 15 explanation on the reason for this public 16 hearing. 17 Mark, if you would do that for us, 18 please. 19 MR. TAYLOR: Thank you, Mr. Supervisor. 20 This is a local law that would allow 21 daycare centers and nursery schools in the B 22 District of the Town of Newburgh. The B District 23 is composed of sections of four major highway -- 24 State highway corridors in the Town, 9W, 32, 52 25 and Route 17K. Presently this use is not TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 6 2 permitted in this district. The local law would 3 allow nursery schools that are licensed by New 4 York State Office of Family & Child Services and 5 nursery schools registered with the New York 6 State Department of Education to be -- or to 7 operate in the district subject to site plan 8 approval by the Planning Board. 9 The local law establishes various bulk 10 dimensions that are required for those uses. It 11 would have a minimum lot area of 1 acre, minimum 12 lot width of 150 feet, a lot depth of 150 feet, a 13 minimum front yard of 50 feet, rear yard of 50 14 feet, one side yard of 40 feet, both side yards 15 of 80 feet, as well as certain coverage 16 requirements which are generated by other uses in 17 that district. 18 By the way Board Members, there is one 19 correction to the local law. The front yard 20 dimension is listed twice. We'll just eliminate 21 one of those listings. It's not a substantial 22 change to the local law. It's a typographical 23 error. Before it's presented for your adoption 24 we will make that one modification. 25 The local law is being considered on TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 7 2 application of the property owner in the B 3 District, Building Blocks. That owner does have 4 a nursery school which was operating pursuant to 5 a use variance and will become a conforming use 6 if this local law is adopted. 7 Just as a procedural matter, following 8 the close of this hearing tonight the Board will 9 be accepting written comments for ten days 10 following the posting of the transcript of this 11 public hearing on the Town's website. 12 I think that adequately summarizes the 13 local law. 14 Mr. Piaquadio, one other item. There 15 is a provision which requires that the discharge 16 and pick up of passengers from private vehicles, 17 that there be provision on the site for that to 18 occur. So that hopefully will discourage anyone 19 from stopping on the State highways, from doing 20 so in their own private vehicles. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Understood, 22 Mark. Thank you very much. 23 So with that, is there anyone out there 24 who wants to make a comment on this topic, on 25 this public hearing, please do so now. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 8 2 MR. CORDISCO: Mr. Supervisor, this is 3 Dominic Cordisco. I'm going to unmute everyone, 4 and so if there is anyone that wants to comment 5 on this public hearing on the local law, if they 6 would identify themselves and speak clearly and 7 hopefully one at a time. For ease of use I'm 8 going to unmute everyone now. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you. 10 MR. FETTER: This is Bill Fetter from 11 Rockwood Drive. How are you folks? Are you able 12 to hear me? 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We can hear you. 14 MR. FETTER: Can anyone hear me? 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We can hear you. 16 MS. GREENE: I can hear you. 17 MR. FETTER: Thank you. I'm sorry. A 18 couple of questions. What actually brought about 19 the need for the law since the facility is 20 operating under a pre-existing nonconforming? 21 What brought about the need for the change? 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: I really think 23 in this case -- it affects more than one 24 business. It's at least two that are operating, 25 you know, pre-existing nonconforming. This would TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 9 2 really make them conform with zoning, which is 3 probably the proper thing to do when possible. 4 MR. FETTER: It would make the zoning 5 conform with them. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. Yes. It's 7 an added use to the Business District. 8 MR. TAYLOR: Mr. Fetter, Mark Taylor 9 here. The applicant is -- or petitioner is 10 requesting the Board to make this change because 11 they wish to expand their use on the site. I 12 believe there's a secondary building that they're 13 proposing to use in connection with their 14 business operations. I think that is the primary 15 reason they asked for the zone change. 16 MR. FETTER: Otherwise it would have 17 been too large to go through the Zoning Board of 18 Appeals? 19 MR. TAYLOR: Yeah. I think that that's 20 -- yes. 21 MR. FETTER: What type of business is 22 that classified as? 23 MR. TAYLOR: In terms of occupancy? 24 MR. FETTER: Well it's a use -- you're 25 adding a -- it's in a B Zone; is that correct? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 10 2 MR. TAYLOR: That's correct. 3 MR. FETTER: What type of business is 4 it? What is it classified as? 5 MR. TAYLOR: As a business as opposed 6 to an educational institution. Basically because 7 these are private, for-profit entities, they're 8 not institutions -- 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Basically, Bill, 10 it's a -- Mark, it's a daycare center. This is 11 considered a daycare center, isn't it? The type 12 of business is a daycare center. 13 MR. FETTER: How does the Town classify 14 it letter wise? Why does it not conform? 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: That particular 16 business is not listed in the bulk tables right 17 now. Correct, Mark? 18 MR. FETTER: Okay. That's clear 19 enough. Thank you. 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Thank 21 you. 22 MR. FETTER: One last question. Will 23 the written public comments, should there be any, 24 be published before you change the law to give 25 the public a chance to digest the written TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 11 2 comments? 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Well yes, 4 because the public will have -- even if they're 5 not fortunate enough to be here at this meeting, 6 they'll have ten days from the time the minutes 7 are posted of what took place here tonight at 8 this public hearing. 9 MR. FETTER: Will others have the 10 opportunity to see those comments and which 11 might, you know, give people incentive or 12 thought? If it were open in public there would 13 be some give and take, people could add to a 14 comment. If somebody writes a letter it doesn't 15 see the day of light, not that that's good or 16 bad. There's no chance to add to it. I doubt 17 you're going to get a letter, but -- 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yeah. 19 MR. FETTER: Enough said. Enough said. 20 That's all. Thank you for your time. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you. Stay 22 well. 23 Does anyone else have a comment on this 24 public hearing, please identify yourself and your 25 address and we'll listen to you. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 12 2 MS. TORRE: Hello. This is Ashley 3 Torre from Burke, Miele, Golden & Naughton. 4 We're the attorneys for the applicant. So I did 5 want to just confirm that the petition was sought 6 because there is a second accessory structure on 7 the property that they're seeking to expand the 8 use. I think it's a little under 600 square feet, 9 I believe. And that's really what motivates 10 this. And then just to bring the property into 11 compliance in general. We believe it's 12 consistent with other uses in the B District. We 13 thank the Board for its consideration. 14 If there's any questions, please feel 15 free to direct them my way. 16 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Very good. 17 Thank you. 18 Anyone else with any questions or 19 comments on this public hearing, now is the time? 20 (No response.) 21 MR. CORDISCO: Mr. Supervisor, it 22 doesn't appear that anyone else is wishing to 23 speak. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So with that I 25 will look for a motion to close this public TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 13 2 hearing, knowing that there will be time, ten 3 days after the minutes are posted of this 4 meeting. 5 MS. GREENE: The only thing I would 6 like to comment, Mr. Supervisor, is they do -- 7 looking at the situation, they do accept children 8 from six months to getting ready to start their 9 first day of kindergarten. So it has a variety 10 of ages, which, with this, what we're going 11 through, it's very, very difficult to keep 12 everybody six feet apart. So I know using that 13 other building I think would be an asset. That's 14 my only comment. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, 16 Betty. 17 Would someone make a motion to close 18 this public hearing? 19 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion to 20 close the public hearing. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Who made that 22 motion? Was it Paul? 23 MS. GREENE: I don't know. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Scott? Scott 25 made the motion? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 14 2 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Does 4 someone want to second it? 5 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Betty seconds 7 it. 8 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded at 9 7:13 p.m. to close the public hearing. Mrs. 10 Greene? 11 MS. GREENE: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 13 (No response.) 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 15 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Did we hear Paul 18 say yes? 19 MS. GREENE: I didn't. 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Paul, did you 21 vote yes? 22 MR. RUGGIERO: I can't hear. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: You can't hear? 24 MR. CORDISCO: We can hear you. I just 25 heard you just now. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 15 2 MR. RUGGIERO: It keeps breaking up. I 3 can't hear what anybody is saying. 4 MS. GREENE: Can you repeat your vote? 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: I'll tell you 6 what. Can we call Paul on a cell phone directly 7 and put it on speaker? 8 Bobby, do you have a phone we can use? 9 MS. GREENE: Do you have the number? I 10 have my phone. I don't have the number off the 11 top of my head. 12 MR. MANLEY: Gil, if you can hear me, 13 I'm going to do it from my phone. 14 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Good idea. 15 MR. MANLEY: Paul, we can't hear you. 16 Now we can hear you fine. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Paul, did you 18 vote yes to close the public hearing? 19 MR. MANLEY: On the public hearing, 20 what's your vote on closing it? 21 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We got our yes. 23 MR. MANLEY: I'm going to keep this on 24 for now. 25 MR. RUGGIERO: Perfect. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 16 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Very 3 good. Thank you. All right. 4 MR. PEDI: Now a motion to adopt the -- 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We can't do that 6 until we get all the comments in. We'll do that 7 at our next meeting. That's why I was hoping in 8 the ten days we can do it. 9 MR. PEDI: It's 7:15. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Is it 7:15? We 11 can go right to this next public hearing. 12 MR. PEDI: Yes. We go on to item 7, 13 the next public hearing, acquisition of access 14 parcel for Newburgh Consolidated Water District. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. And 16 Joseph, has this public hearing been properly 17 advertised? 18 MR. PEDI: It was posted on the Town 19 website since April 23rd. It was advertised in 20 The Mid-Hudson Times on April 29th and in The 21 Orange County Post on April 24th. This complies 22 with all the requirements for a public hearing 23 under New York State law. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Very 25 good, Joseph. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 17 2 Does someone want to make a motion to 3 open this public hearing? 4 MS. GREENE: So moved. 5 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Scott Manley 7 seconded it. 8 MR. PEDI: I got it. Mrs. Greene? 9 MS. GREENE: Yes. 10 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 11 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Did he say yes? 13 MS. GREENE: Yes. I heard him. 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 15 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 18 All right. So I'm going to ask Mark 19 Taylor in a moment to explain this public hearing 20 and the reason for it. In my own words this has 21 to deal with a water tank that we have had in 22 place for many years. It seems that we have a 23 pad that goes outside of the area that we 24 originally had an easement on, and this is to 25 make that piece of property so we can use it for TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 18 2 the proper purpose. I don't know if it's you, 3 Jim Osborne, or Mark Taylor that wants to tell 4 us. 5 MR. TAYLOR: I'll take it. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay, Mark. 7 MR. TAYLOR: The Town owns a water tank 8 which is located off Route 32, a few properties 9 up from its intersection with Route 300. It's on 10 a parcel of land that's landlocked so it's not 11 right on 32. In order to get access to the water 12 tank the Town has utilized an easement for us to 13 enter the property. Over the course of time the 14 Town has gone beyond what was granted in that 15 easement, which is essentially a right-of-way for 16 ingress and egress and to install pipe. We got 17 beyond the boundary of the easement. In order to 18 resolve the issues with the landowner that are 19 throws from that basically use of his property 20 beyond what the easement granted, the Town has 21 offered to purchase it from him for its appraised 22 value which is $24,000. In association with the 23 transaction we have to perform a survey, have an 24 appraisal performed, and obviously there will be 25 other additional costs associated with the TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 19 2 transactions, so that the total estimated cost of 3 this project is $36,000. This is a project of 4 the Consolidated Water District. It's the water 5 tank. It's a Consolidated Water District 6 facility. Accordingly, the funds that will be 7 used for the project are coming from that 8 district. 9 That's essentially it, Mr. Supervisor. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, Mark. 11 Joseph, can we put your camera towards 12 the diagram that shows that little piece of land 13 there, or whatever we're going to -- 14 MR. PEDI: How's that? 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Can we see it? 16 MS. GREENE: I don't have any picture 17 of it. 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Dominic, can we 19 go on to Joe's cell phone there to see that 20 diagram I hope? 21 MR. CORDISCO: Can you see it now? 22 MS. GREENE: No. Just you. 23 MR. MANLEY: I just clicked on Joe Pedi 24 and I can see it. 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We just need to TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 20 2 click on Joe maybe, for us, Dominic. There it 3 is. Now we have Mark. We're getting closer. 4 We can see it on our screen, a little icon. Here 5 it is. We got it. Okay. We got it. 6 The area in the blue, Mark, is what 7 we're talking about? That strip of land by the 8 tank? Yes? 9 MR. TAYLOR: That's correct. It's 35 10 feet wide. 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: 35 feet. How 12 long is it? 13 MR. TAYLOR: I'm sorry, I don't have 14 that dimension. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: It probably 16 shows on that map, Joe, doesn't it, how long that 17 blue section is? 18 Jim Osborne is here. Jim, do you know 19 the length of that piece? 20 MR. PEDI: 341 feet. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. So it's 22 341 feet, if we're reading the map right there. 23 Thank you, Joe. 24 So with that, does any member of the 25 public want to make a comment on this purchase TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 21 2 for the Water District? 3 Maybe you can open up all the mics 4 again, Dominic. 5 MR. CORDISCO: I'll do that now. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you. 7 So again, anyone who wants to comment 8 on this public hearing on the purchase of this 9 piece of property, please speak up. 10 MS. SMITH: Excuse me. Hello? 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We hear you. 12 MS. SMITH: Can you hear me okay? 13 Thank you. Donette Smith, Rockwood Drive. I'm 14 sorry, I may have missed. Who owns the piece of 15 land currently? 16 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We have too many 17 people talking at once here I think. We want to 18 go back to Rockwood Drive. 19 MR. FETTER: I can hear you, Scott. I 20 thought you said Bill. 21 MR. MANLEY: Gil, can you hear me? 22 Scott Manley. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. We can 24 hear you very well. 25 MR. MANLEY: I think Donette asked who TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 22 2 actually owns the property now. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: I'd have to ask 4 Mark Taylor. 5 Mark, who actually owns the property? 6 MR. OSBORNE: I can answer that. Can 7 you hear me? 8 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay, Jim. Go 9 ahead. 10 MR. OSBORNE: It's George Langlitz 11 Junior. 12 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. George 13 Langlitz Junior. 14 MS. SMITH: And it's only 341 feet of 15 property; correct? 16 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. By a width 17 of -- 18 MR. OSBORNE: By 35 feet wide. 19 MS. SMITH: Okay. And it's going to be 20 about $36,000? 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: That was the 22 appraised value. 23 MS. SMITH: That's a lot of money for 24 not too much property. I don't know. 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: You've got to TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 23 2 understand the Town goes by appraised values. We 3 don't just pick numbers and say -- we get an 4 appraised value from an independent appraiser to 5 tell us what that strip of land is worth. 6 MR. OSBORNE: If I can answer. 7 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes, Jim. Go 8 ahead, please. 9 MR. OSBORNE: The purchase price based 10 on the appraised value is $24,000. There are 11 costs associated with that that Mark eluded to. 12 One is we had to have the property surveyed at a 13 cost of $4,500. We need to buy title insurance 14 on the property at an estimated cost of $3,500. 15 And then there's the preparation of the contract 16 of sale and recording in Orange County at an 17 estimated cost of $4,000. So the purchase of the 18 property at 24,000 is not the only cost that the 19 Town will incur. There are these ancillary costs 20 that we have to pay. 21 MS. SMITH: Okay. Thanks. 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. 23 Thank you for the question. 24 Does anyone else have a comment on this 25 public hearing? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 24 2 (No response.) 3 MR. CORDISCO: There's a number of 4 people that are unmuted and no one is coming 5 forward at this time. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Any 7 comment from Board Members? 8 MR. RUGGIERO: I have none. 9 MR. MANLEY: I don't have any. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. So based 11 on that, we're going to look for a motion to 12 close this public hearing. On this one again, 13 too, we'll have ten days from the time that the 14 minutes are posted to accept additional comments. 15 At this point we will close the public hearing 16 if someone makes that motion. 17 MS. GREENE: So moved. 18 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 19 MS. GREENE: Paul. I'll second. 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Paul first and 21 Betty seconds. 22 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded at 23 7:25 to close the public hearing. Mrs. Greene? 24 MS. GREENE: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 25 2 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 4 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 5 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 7 Thank you. 8 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 8, 9 Recreation Department, seasonal laborer and -- 10 seasonal laborer and recreation aides. 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. So 12 Charlene Black, a personnel person, these are 13 seasonal workers. The first one is for 14 Recreation, a seasonal recreation, which is Ron 15 Bayer -- Ryan Bayer with an hourly rate of $11.80 16 per hour with a proposed starting date of May 18, 17 2020, assuming that the physical and background 18 come back okay. Does someone want to make that 19 motion? 20 MS. GREENE: So moved. 21 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion -- 22 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 23 MR. RUGGIERO: -- for a laborer. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: For a laborer. 25 Yes. Betty seconds it. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 26 2 MR. PEDI: Okay. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: The other part 4 of this is these are seasonal workers, this 5 entire stack here. These are the ones coming 6 back again. These are seasonal workers for camp, 7 if camp happens this year. We don't know what's 8 going to happen. I really hope and pray that we 9 can open camp and things start to return to 10 normal. These are the hires just based if they 11 can come back. They're various prices depending 12 on how long they've been here, with start dates 13 of June 22, 2020. Does someone want to make that 14 motion? 15 MS. GREENE: So moved. 16 MR. MANLEY: I'll second as long as 17 it's detailed if we do have camp. If not, they 18 won't be employees. 19 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Correct. 20 MR. PEDI: So the first one will be for 21 Ryan Bayer. We'll vote on that. Mrs. Greene? 22 MS. GREENE: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 24 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 27 2 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 5 And then the remaining ones as listed 6 that would be coming back as seasonal, Joe. 7 We'll do that separately. 8 MR. PEDI: Yes. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay, good. 10 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 11 MS. GREENE: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 13 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 15 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 9 19 which is announcements. 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. I'm 21 going to couple my announcement in with this 22 presentation now. Joe, could we put this photo 23 up here? Or maybe put your camera on the photo. 24 I don't know which. Which ever is easiest for 25 you. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 28 2 So this is a print of the different 3 bridges that cross the Hudson. It was actually 4 presented to us by the Historic Bridges of the 5 Hudson Valley. I'm going to ask Scott Manley to 6 read a letter perhaps that escorted this 7 presentation. Scott. 8 MR. MANLEY: Yes. I picked it up the 9 other day for us. I'm going to read it. "This 10 print is a thank you to the Town of Newburgh 11 Board for the strong resolution opposing the 12 merger of the New York State Bridge Authority 13 with the Thruway Authority to keep our Hudson 14 Valley bridges locally controlled and maintained. 15 The print displays our beautiful bridges from 16 Bear Mountain to the Rip Van Winkle with the 17 expanse of the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge we cross so 18 proudly. This gift is from the Historic Bridges 19 of the Hudson Valley, an educational, not-for- 20 profit created to celebrate the history and 21 contribution of our bridges. The graphic on the 22 back includes fellow presidents, friends and 23 family members, individuals whose names are 24 listed by the bridge they cared for who maintain 25 and run our bridges. These individuals are all TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 29 2 grateful for the support of the Town of Newburgh 3 in their first-in-the-Valley resolution to 4 prevent the Thruway Authority from taking over 5 our bridges, and most likely raising our 6 Newburgh-Beacon toll to match that of the Hudson 7 River bridges to the south of us. Please hang 8 this print proudly in the Town of Newburgh 9 offices," which I know we will. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, 11 Scott, for that. 12 I want to thank this Board. We're one 13 of the first ones to come up with a resolution to 14 oppose the takeover from the Thruway of the 15 Bridge Authority. It went to the Association of 16 Towns. Many resolutions have come over since to 17 support it. The State went with it, too. So 18 that's great. We thank them for that 19 presentation and we will hang it. 20 Does anyone else have any announcements 21 on the Board here? 22 MS. GREENE: I do have one. The 23 Supervisor has made the announcement that the 24 Memorial Day parade has been canceled. I want to 25 invite all of you to participate in the service TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 30 2 here at Town Hall on Sunday, the 24th of May, at 3 10 a.m. It is to honor our military people, 4 living and dead. They need to be remembered 5 because without their sacrifices we would not 6 have the freedom that we have today. I know 7 right now you say what freedom because I'm 8 housebound, but even that is a freedom. I think 9 our military people need to be honored on that 10 day. Thank you. 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, 12 Betty. 13 Any other Board Member with a comment? 14 MR. RUGGIERO: What time is that, 15 Betty? 16 MS. GREENE: 10 a.m., right here in our 17 parking lot. So everyone can stay six feet 18 apart. We'll even have some chairs out for those 19 who can't stand for the twenty minutes or so. 20 But we do hope you all come and help us honor our 21 military. 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, 23 Betty. 24 So we're going to have public comments, 25 too. Again Dominic, if we could turn all the TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 31 2 mics on. If anyone has a question or a comment 3 about the Town, we'll try our best to answer it. 4 MR. CORDISCO: I'm doing that now. All 5 the participants have been unmuted at this time. 6 MR. FETTER: This is Bill Fetter from 7 Rockwood Drive. I just want to thank you guys 8 for being there. Really pat yourself on the back 9 for doing what you're doing tonight. Thank you. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, Bill. 11 Is there anyone else? 12 (No response.) 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: If not, then 14 I'll look for a motion to adjourn. 15 MS. GREENE: So moved. 16 MR. MANLEY: I think Donette wants to 17 say something. 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Is she? Okay. 19 Sorry. 20 MS. MANDELL: I'm sorry. This is 21 probably a silly question. Any idea when the 22 bathrooms at Chadwick Lake will be open? 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: What was that 24 question? 25 MS. PRESUTTI: They are. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 32 2 MS. MANDELL: They are? They weren't 3 open on Sunday. 4 MR. PRESUTTI: The restrooms by the 5 office are open. The other ones have to be -- we 6 have to have the water department turn the water 7 on. 8 MS. MANDELL: The ones by the pavilion? 9 MR. PRESUTTI: The ones over by the 10 pavilion, yes. 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: The stenographer 12 wants to repeat the name again, please, on 13 Rockwood. 14 MS. MANDELL: I'm Lauren Mandell. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Anyone else? 16 (No response.) 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: It's very 18 unusual conditions. I really appreciate everyone 19 who watched the meeting tonight and those who 20 participated. Thank you. It's a difficult thing 21 to do. At one time you had to get the paperwork 22 from me. That was the important thing in these 23 meetings. Now I try to set them up 24 electronically so they're going to work. I 25 appreciate everybody's help. If it was just me TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 33 2 it never would have happened. 3 With that we'll look for a motion to 4 adjourn. I think Betty already made a motion. 5 MS. GREENE: Yes, I did. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We're looking 7 for a second to adjourn. 8 MR. RUGGIERO: Second. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Paul said 10 second. 11 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded at 12 7:33. Mrs. Greene? 13 MS. GREENE: Yes. 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 15 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 17 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 19 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 20 Thank you, everyone, and stay safe 21 please. 22 MS. GREENE: And healthy. 23 24 (Time noted: 7:33 p.m.) 25 TOWN BOARD MEETING - 5/11/20 1 34 2 3 4 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 5 6 7 I, MICHELLE CONERO, a Notary Public 8 for and within the State of New York, do hereby 9 certify: 10 That hereinbefore set forth is a 11 true record of the proceedings. 12 I further certify that I am not 13 related to any of the parties to this proceeding by 14 blood or by marriage and that I am in no way 15 interested in the outcome of this matter. 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 17 set my hand this 14th day of May 2020. 18 19 _________________________ 21 MICHELLE CONERO 22 23 24 25