1 1 2 HELD REMOTELY 3 4 AT THE PUBLIC MEETING of the Town Board of the Town of Newburgh 5 held at 1496 Route 300 in said township at 7:04 p.m. on Monday, the 13th of April 2020 6 7 8 PRESENT Gilbert J. Piaquadio, Supervisor 9 Elizabeth J. Greene, Councilwoman Scott M. Manley, Councilman 10 Joseph P. Pedi, Town Clerk 11 12 PRESENT Paul R. Ruggiero, Councilman REMOTELY Mark C. Taylor, Attorney for the Town 13 James Osborne, Town Engineer 14 15 ABSENT James E. Presutti, Councilman 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 REPORTED BY: Michelle L. Conero Court Reporter 23 3 Francis Street Newburgh, New York 12550 24 (845)541-4163 25 TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 2 2 MR. PEDI: Good evening, ladies and 3 gentlemen. Today is Monday, April 13, 2020. This 4 is a regularly scheduled Town Board meeting. It 5 is 7:04. 6 The first order of business will be 7 roll call. Ms. Greene. 8 MS. GREENE: Here. 9 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero. 10 MR. RUGGIERO: Present. 11 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 12 Mr. Manley. 13 MR. MANLEY: Here. 14 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Here. 16 MR. PEDI: Next we'll have the Pledge 17 of Allegiance to the flag and a Moment of 18 Silence. 19 (Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of 20 Silence.) 21 MR. PEDI: Thank you. Please be seated. 22 Mr. Supervisor, are there any changes 23 to the agenda? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 10-E, the 25 existing one is going to come off. Chadwick Lake TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 3 2 dam animal control is going to come off. In its 3 place will be a resolution to reschedule a public 4 hearing for improvements of the water district. 5 So that will be the new 10-E. 6 MR. PEDI: Any other changes? 7 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: That should be 8 it. 9 MR. PEDI: Okay. Next we go on to item 10 number 5 which is comments from the Town 11 Supervisor. 12 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So we're here 13 this evening to have this meeting electronically. 14 As the times dictate, such a meeting is necessary 15 because of the Coronavirus. Normally we're 16 celebrating the arrival of spring at this time. 17 As you know, spring is a metaphor for positive 18 change and rebirth. We can all agree that hope is 19 more important now than it has ever been at any 20 time in the past. We're all facing challenges. 21 We're creating anxiety for ourselves and for our 22 loved ones. At this moment our faith, our family 23 and our friendships are more important than ever 24 before. This is a time for us to try and be the 25 best partner, parent, sibling, friend and TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 4 2 neighbor that we can be. Keep in mind what brings 3 us together are love of family, friends and 4 community that will carry us forward. All of us 5 must have hope as we will get through this 6 together. Thank you. 7 MR. PEDI: Thank you, Mr. Supervisor. 8 Next we go on to item 6, which is the 9 approval of the audit. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: I'm looking to 11 approve this audit in the amount of $891,187.15. 12 Would someone make that motion? 13 MS. GREENE: So moved. 14 MR. MANLEY: I'll second. 15 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 16 Mrs. Greene? 17 MS. GREENE: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 19 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 21 Mr. Manley? 22 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 7 TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 5 2 which is the Zoning Board of Appeals, start the 3 process to hire a secretary. 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. So 5 what this does -- it's a request from Jerry 6 Canfield. The Zoning Board has been without a 7 secretary for some time, so he wants to start the 8 process to hire a secretary. It's a competitive 9 position in Civil Service. 10 Would someone make that motion? 11 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion. 12 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 13 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 14 Any discussion? 15 (No response.) 16 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 17 MS. GREENE: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 19 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 21 Mr. Manley? 22 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 8 for TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 6 2 the Recreation Department. The first item A, 3 approval to purchase t-shirts. 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Our 5 former commissioner, Robert Petrillo, has got 6 quotes for t-shirts. It looks like he's 7 requesting approval to accept a quote from Fusion 8 Graphix at a price of $3.63 per shirt. That was 9 the same vendor as last year. 10 Would someone make that motion? 11 MS. GREENE: So moved. 12 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make that motion. 13 MS. GREENE: Then I'll second your 14 motion. 15 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero made that 16 motion. Mrs. Greene seconded that motion. Any 17 further discussion? 18 (No response.) 19 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 20 MS. GREENE: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 22 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 24 Mr. Manley? 25 MR. MANLEY: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 7 2 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 4 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item B for 5 the Recreation Department, approval to hire a 6 recreational aide. 7 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Again 8 Mr. Petrillo is recommending the hire of Mr. 9 Nenni at a rate of $15.94 an hour. His first name 10 is James also. With a starting date of April 20, 11 2020, provided the background and physical. 12 Would someone make that motion? 13 MS. GREENE: So moved. 14 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it. 15 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 16 Any further discussion? 17 (No response.) 18 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 19 MS. GREENE: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 21 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 23 Mr. Manley? 24 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 8 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item C, 4 approval to award bid for Chadwick Lake Park 5 grounds maintenance. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Again 7 Mr. Petrillo got some maintenance prices in. 8 Again it looks like Lynn Warren would be the one 9 we're going to go with here in 2020. I guess his 10 weekly -- as indicated, but his weekly price is 11 $250 with cutting. 12 Does someone want to make that motion? 13 MS. GREENE: So moved. 14 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 15 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 16 (No response.) 17 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 18 MS. GREENE: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 22 Mr. Manley? 23 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 9 2 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item D, 3 approval to award bid for Recreation bus trips. 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Once again, 5 these bus trips were bid. Mr. Petrillo is 6 recommending the ones that are highlighted here. 7 We should also note on these bus trips, if they 8 don't come to pass, as long as we cancel them two 9 days ahead of time there will be no late or 10 cancellation fee. 11 Does someone want to make that motion 12 to approve these trips? 13 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 14 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: You know what. 15 There's more than one vendor here. I can't read 16 them all. It's as presented. 17 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero made the 18 motion. 19 MS. GREENE: I'll second. 20 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 21 (No response.) 22 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 23 MS. GREENE: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 25 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 10 2 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 3 Mr. Manley? 4 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 5 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item E, 8 approval to hire part-time clerk. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: This again would 10 be for Mr. Petrillo, and this is to hire -- this 11 person would actually be a bus dispatcher to 12 replace the one that left. It's a part-time 13 position. He's looking to Patrick VanDuser -- 14 Patricia VanDuser at a salary of 1.50 per hour 15 with a starting date of April 20, 2020. 16 MR. MANLEY: 12.50. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Did I say 12.50? 18 MS. GREENE: You said 1.50. You did. 19 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: I believe you. 20 Let me correct that. That will be 12.50 per hour. 21 The start would be April 20th of this year. It's 22 sent to the Town 5630-5100. Again, that's 23 provided they pass the physical and background. 24 MR. MANLEY: I'll make that motion. 25 MS. GREENE: And I'll second your TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 11 2 motion. 3 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 4 (No response.) 5 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 6 MS. GREENE: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 8 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 9 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 10 Mr. Manley? 11 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 14 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 9 for 15 the assessor. ALKO Farms Limited Liability 16 Corporation on Governors Drive. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So this is a 18 certiorari settlement. Did you have time to look 19 at it, Betty? 20 MS. GREENE: I didn't complete looking 21 at all the figures, but it has been approved by 22 Murphy & Hacker who I do put a lot of storage 23 in -- 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Faith in. 25 MS. GREENE: -- their figures and their TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 12 2 interviews. 3 MR. MANLEY: Compared to some of our 4 refund amounts, this is very low too. 5 MS. GREENE: Yes. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: The refund 7 amount is how much, Scott, for the Town? 8 MR. MANLEY: For the Town is $1,486.80 9 for two years. Another 853 for highway. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Does 11 someone want to make that motion to approve this 12 settlement? 13 MS. GREENE: So moved. 14 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 15 MS. GREENE: Then I'll second his 16 motion. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Paul is quick 18 tonight. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero made the 20 motion. Mrs. Greene seconded the motion. Any 21 further discussion? 22 (No response.) 23 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 24 MS. GREENE: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 13 2 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 4 Mr. Manley? 5 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 6 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 7 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 8 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 10 for 9 engineering. The first item is Healey KIA parking 10 lot extension. The first discussion is on the 11 stormwater security. 12 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Jim, you're on 13 the phone. Yes? 14 MR. OSBORNE: Yes, I am. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. So this is 16 going to be for stormwater security in the amount 17 of $115,086.69. 18 MR. OSBORNE: Gil, we're going to run 19 it out to an even 115,000. 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. We're 21 looking for a motion that would be $115,000. 22 Is there any need to add that with the 23 modular block thing with the retaining wall or 24 that's not the case? 25 MR. OSBORNE: That is a site TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 14 2 improvement. That is not subject to a security. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Does 4 someone want to make the motion that stormwater 5 security for KIA will be $115,000 even? 6 MR. MANLEY: I'll make that motion. 7 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it. 8 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 9 Any further discussion? 10 (No response.) 11 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 12 MS. GREENE: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 14 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 16 Mr. Manley? 17 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 19 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 10-A, 21 landscape security for Healey KIA parking lot 22 extension. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So this is Karen 24 Arent, Landscape Architect Consultant to the 25 Town. For Healey KIA she's recommending a TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 15 2 landscape security in the amount of $17,650.20 3 and an inspection fee of $2,000. So if someone 4 wants to make that motion. 5 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion. 6 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 7 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 8 (No response.) 9 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 10 MS. GREENE: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 12 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 14 Mr. Manley? 15 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item B, the 19 2020 seasonal grounds maintenance of stormwater 20 ponds. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So Jim, on this 22 one for 2020 we're going with MTTS Property 23 Maintenance. They do our retention ponds and it 24 eventually gets charged back to the districts of 25 homes that use these ponds. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 16 2 Is that right, Jim? 3 MR. OSBORNE: That's correct. And last 4 year we asked for them to provide bids for 2019, 5 2020 and 2021. MTTS was the low bidder for all of 6 those years, and that's how we met that condition 7 to award the bid to him in 2020. 8 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Very good. Does 9 someone want to make that motion for MTTS? 10 MR. MANLEY: I just have a quick 11 question. 12 Jim, is it MTTJ, is what it says on the 13 bid sheet, and MTTS on the letter we have? 14 MR. OSBORNE: It's probably MTTJ. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. 16 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: MTTJ you make 18 that for. 19 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it. 20 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 21 Any further discussion? 22 (No response.) 23 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 24 MS. GREENE: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 17 2 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 4 Mr. Manley? 5 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 6 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 7 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 8 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 10-C, 9 Chadwick Lake Filter Plant, authorization to bid 10 membrane filter lease. 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Jim, do you want 12 to bring us up to date real quick on this one? 13 MR. OSBORNE: Sure. Mark and I have 14 been reviewing the contract documents prepared by 15 HDR, and we're very close to being able to 16 solicit and advertise for the lease agreement to 17 supply the trailer-mounted membrane filter. 18 What I'm asking the Board to do is to 19 let the engineer, Joe Pedi and myself set the 20 actual date so that if I do get approval to move 21 forward, I don't lose time waiting for the Town 22 Board's next meeting and the newspaper schedule. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Very 24 good. I don't know if we need a motion for this 25 but I guess we can do it anyway. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 18 2 The motion is going to be so our 3 engineer can go out to that membrane filtration 4 system. 5 MR. MANLEY: I'll make that motion. 6 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it, if we 7 need a motion. 8 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 9 Any further discussion? 10 (No response.) 11 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 12 MS. GREENE: Okay. Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene says yes. 14 Mr. Ruggiero? 15 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 17 Mr. Manley? 18 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item D, 22 Gardnertown Road culvert replacement, 23 authorization to bid construction contract. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. And 25 Jim, that's pretty much as Mr. Pedi just said, TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 19 2 yes, on this one? 3 MR. OSBORNE: Yeah. It's similar to the 4 membrane trailer. We're waiting for one final 5 release from the environmental group that says 6 there's no impact, and then DOT will give us the 7 green light to go out to bid. Again, it could 8 happen any day and I really don't want to lose 9 the time between Town Board meetings and the 10 weekly schedule for newspaper advertising. The 11 minute I get the green light I want to meet with 12 Joe and put this out to bid. 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Very 14 good. 15 So would someone want to make a motion 16 to give our engineer permission to do that? 17 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 18 MR. MANLEY: I'll second. 19 MS. GREENE: Question. Is this at the 20 intersection of Gidney Avenue and -- 21 MR. OSBORNE: It's where the new 22 traffic light was. 23 MS. GREENE: Yeah. Okay. It seems like 24 that intersection is taking forever. 25 MR. OSBORNE: You know, the last thing TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 20 2 that we had to do was -- we started this process 3 under 2015 guidelines and they issued new ones in 4 2018. We had to update all of our documentation 5 to conform to the new guidelines and resubmit. 6 The DOT, I don't know why but has been dragging 7 their feet on this approval. I thought we'd be 8 ready to go -- 9 MS. GREENE: Years ago. 10 MR. OSBORNE: -- January. 11 MS. GREENE: Okay. Thank you, Jim. 12 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 13 (No response.) 14 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 15 MS. GREENE: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 17 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 19 Mr. Manley? 20 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to an added 24 item, a new item, item 10-E, schedule a public 25 hearing for acquisition of access parcel for TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 21 2 Newburgh Consolidated Water District. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. So this 4 one here, we couldn't have this public hearing 5 because we couldn't have a meeting that night. 6 This resolution is rescheduling. If you remember, 7 there's a piece of land that we need to purchase 8 by a water tank for an easement. 9 MS. GREENE: Right. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We're going to 11 reschedule this public hearing hopefully to 12 May 11th at 7:15. If that's all right by 13 you, Joseph. 14 MR. PEDI: Yes, it is. 15 MR. MANLEY: I'll make a motion if you 16 need it. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: We need it. 18 MS. GREENE: And I'll second your 19 motion. 20 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 21 (No response.) 22 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 23 MS. GREENE: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 25 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 22 2 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 3 Mr. Manley? 4 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 5 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 10-F, 8 Elmhurst Avenue culvert replacement. It's a 9 budget transfer. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So tell me if 11 I'm wrong. Here we're taking $80,000 from the 12 Highway Interfund transfer for the Elmhurst 13 Avenue culvert replacement capital project. 14 MR. OSBORNE: Yes. That's for the 15 design engineering. That money was specifically 16 put in the budget for this purpose. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Does 18 someone want to make that motion? 19 MS. GREENE: So moved. 20 MR. MANLEY: I'll second. 21 MR. RUGGIERO: Second. 22 MR. MANLEY: Give it to Paul. 23 MR. PEDI: Motion made by Mrs. Greene 24 and seconded by Councilman Ruggiero. 25 Any further discussion? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 23 2 (No response.) 3 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 4 MS. GREENE: Yes. 5 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 6 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 8 Mr. Manley? 9 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 10 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 10-G, 13 Air National Guard water rates and usage. 14 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. So 15 here these are the rates for the Air National 16 Guard as we sell them the water. So this 17 resolution actually indicates the rates. It would 18 be $14.12 per 1,000 gallons. 19 Does someone want to make that motion? 20 That's for 2020. 21 MS. GREENE: So moved. 22 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 23 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 24 Any further discussion? 25 (No response.) TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 24 2 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 3 MS. GREENE: Yes. 4 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 5 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 6 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 7 Mr. Manley? 8 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 9 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: The last item, 10-H, 12 McDonald's, release of stormwater security. 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So this one, 14 McGoey, Hauser & Edsall, and I'm sure Jim will 15 tell us if you don't approve of it, we're going 16 to return $79,300 that was originally required 17 for the stormwater management security. 18 Correct, Jim? 19 MR. OSBORNE: That's correct. And 20 that's in the form of a performance bond. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Does 22 someone want to make that motion? 23 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion. 24 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 25 MR. MANLEY: Give it to Paul. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 25 2 MR. PEDI: Motion made by Councilman 3 Ruggiero. Seconded by Councilman Manley. Any 4 further discussion? 5 (No response.) 6 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 7 MS. GREENE: Yes. 8 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 9 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 10 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 11 Mr. Manley? 12 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 14 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 11, 16 award of contract for Workmen's Compensation. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: This one here, 18 this actually started April 1st. Usually it 19 takes Board approval but I signed it under 20 emergency measures, because I normally can't 21 spend more than $25,000 by myself. 22 What we're doing here is we're looking 23 for a motion to renew our Workmen's Compensation 24 policy, and that's with PERMA. That's from 25 April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. It's going to be TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 26 2 a two-year option that I went with. The premium 3 for this year is $825,403, and that's down 37 4 percent from last year. The fact that we're going 5 with a two-year, we will automatically get 10 6 percent off the second year. 7 MR. MANLEY: We're literally saving 8 hundreds of thousands of dollars. 9 MS. GREENE: Yes, we are. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: It's a lot of 11 money, yes. 12 Does someone want to make that motion? 13 That's with PERMA. A renewal with PERMA, Workers' 14 Comp. 15 MS. GREENE: So moved. 16 MR. MANLEY: I'll second. 17 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 18 (No response.) 19 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 20 MS. GREENE: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 22 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 24 Mr. Manley? 25 MR. MANLEY: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 27 2 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 4 MR. PEDI: Next we have item 12, which 5 is hiring of a commissioner of Parks, Recreation 6 and Conservation. 7 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, 8 Joseph. 9 There were five applicants for the 10 position of commissioner of Parks, Recreation and 11 Conservation. The interviews were performed on 12 April 6th. Of the five interviewed, only one had 13 the qualifications, and that's our current 14 Councilman James Presutti. James designed the 15 trail as a senior while he was attending forestry 16 school, so he knows the trail well. Jim was 17 employed by Recreation part-time in high school 18 and then full time after graduating high school 19 and before entering college. Jim was on the 20 Recreation Advisory Board for over four years, 21 served as chairman. A major mission of the 22 Advisory Board at that time was to redesign the 23 park, more or less as we see it today. Jim is a 24 certified arborist and was entered into the New 25 York State Hall of Fame for nursery and TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 28 2 landscaping in 2018. It's unfortunate to lose Mr. 3 Presutti as a councilman, but this Board believes 4 he will do the Town even a better job as 5 commissioner of Parks, Recreation and 6 Conservation. 7 Therefore I'm looking for a motion to 8 appoint James Presutti as commissioner of Parks, 9 Recreation and Conservation with a starting date 10 of April 20, 2020 with a salary of $75,000. 11 MS. GREENE: I would be glad to make 12 that motion. It is a big loss to the Town Board 13 but it is a great plus for the Recreation 14 Department. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Agreed. 16 Does anyone else have any comments? 17 Paul? 18 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second that motion. 19 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded. 20 Any further discussion? 21 (No response.) 22 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 23 MS. GREENE: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 25 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 29 2 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 3 Mr. Manley? 4 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 5 MR. PEDI: Mr. Piaquadio? 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 13. 8 Does anyone have any announcements? 9 MS. GREENE: Not me. 10 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Betty? 11 MS. GREENE: No. 12 MR. PEDI: No announcements? 13 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Paul? 14 MR. RUGGIERO: I do. First I'd like to 15 wish Jim Presutti good luck in this new position. 16 Like Betty said, it's a loss to our Town Board 17 but it's definitely a gain for our Parks 18 Department. Jim has an outstanding background for 19 this position, commissioner of Parks & 20 Recreation. After interviewing four other 21 candidates, Jim stood out from any of them, and I 22 am sure that he will bring our beautiful park 23 into the 21st century. 24 The second thing I have to say is I 25 want to share with the Town of Newburgh residents TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 30 2 that the Town of Newburgh is running on all 3 cylinders, adapting to new obstacles as we are in 4 these trying times. 5 I also want to thank Scott for his due 6 diligence for the contracts. That's a good job, 7 Scott. Thank you. 8 That's all I have. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Scott, do you 10 have anything? 11 MR. MANLEY: I just want to thank 12 everybody for helping us get through this. I know 13 the social distancing and this new way of life 14 right now is very hard on everybody. Like Paul 15 said, you know, the Town is doing its due 16 diligence. We're working very hard. The whole 17 Board is constantly communicating on what's going 18 on in this Town. We'll get everything running, 19 and soon enough we'll get through all this. 20 Thank you. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Thank 22 you. 23 And again I want to thank everyone, 24 too, who put this meeting together. 25 I just want to say there was a little TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 31 2 confusion. The meeting was supposed to go through 3 Youtube. Somehow somebody said we had a copyright 4 error. We even took down the Town flag, thinking 5 they thought that was copyrighted. We managed to 6 do it through Facebook, fortunately. We do have 7 the audio, so everyone can dial in and listen to 8 the meeting if they don't have internet. 9 With that, we can look for a motion to 10 adjourn. 11 MR. MANLEY: I'll make that motion. 12 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 13 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded to 14 adjourn at 7:30 p.m. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you. Good 16 night, everyone. 17 MR. PEDI: Excuse me. Mrs. Greene? 18 MS. GREENE: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Presutti is absent. 22 Mr. Manley? 23 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 4/13/2020 1 32 2 MR. PEDI: Thank you, everyone. 3 4 (Time noted: 7:31 p.m.) 5 6 7 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 8 9 I, MICHELLE CONERO, a Notary Public 10 for and within the State of New York, do hereby 11 certify: 12 That hereinbefore set forth is a 13 true record of the proceedings. 14 I further certify that I am not 15 related to any of the parties to this proceeding by 16 blood or by marriage and that I am in no way 17 interested in the outcome of this matter. 18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 19 set my hand this 16th day of April 2020. 20 21 22 _________________________ MICHELLE CONERO 23 24 25