1 1 2 MEETING HELD VIA ZOOM 3 4 TOWN BOARD MEETING 5 of the Town Board of the Town of Newburgh held at 1496 Route 300 in said township 6 at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, the 10th of August 2020 7 8 9 PRESENT Gilbert J. Piaquadio, Supervisor 10 Scott M. Manley, Deputy Supervisor (remote) Elizabeth J. Greene, Councilwoman 11 Paul R. Ruggerio, Councilman (remote) Anthony LoBiondo, Councilman (remote) 12 13 ALSO PRESENT Joseph P. Pedi, Town Clerk 14 Mark C. Taylor, Attorney for the Town (remote) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 REPORTED BY: Michelle L. Conero Court Reporter 23 3 Francis Street Newburgh, New York 12550 24 (845)541-4163 25 TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 2 2 MR. PEDI: It is 7 p.m. It is Monday, 3 the 10th of August, and this is a regularly 4 scheduled Town Board meeting. 5 The first order of business is roll 6 call. Mrs. Greene. 7 MS. GREENE: Here. 8 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero. 9 MR. RUGGIERO: Present. 10 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley. 11 MR. MANLEY: Here. 12 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo. 13 MR. LOBIONDO: Here. 14 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Here. 16 MR. PEDI: Everybody please rise for 17 the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence. 18 (Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of 19 Silence.) 20 MR. PEDI: Thank you, everyone. Please 21 be seated. 22 Mr. Supervisor, are there any changes 23 to the agenda? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. Under 6, I 25 want to remove 6-A, it will be scratched off, and TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 3 2 therefore 6-B will become 6-A, and the current 3 6-C will become 6-B. I want to remove number 7 4 totally on the hiring of part-time clerks as we 5 have a budget meeting coming up. We'll do it 6 after that budget meeting. And on number 11, 7 there will be an increase under purchase of those 8 electrical fixtures of $5,000, not 3,000 as 9 indicated. So those will be the changes. 10 I do have one add-on if we can do it. 11 That will be a T-94 withdrawal, and it's to pay 12 Flannery Animal Hospital for their services. 13 That's all I have. 14 MR. PEDI: How about -- Mr. Supervisor, 15 how about a new item 19, Highway Department, 16 approval to hire MEO 1A employee? 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. Absolutely. 18 So let's go with that. 19 MR. PEDI: Okay. Are there any other 20 changes, please? 21 MS. GREENE: I have none. 22 MR. MANLEY: I have none. 23 MR. LOBIONDO: None. 24 MR. RUGGIERO: None. 25 MR. PEDI: Next we'll move on to item 5 TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 4 2 for the approval of the audit. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: I'm looking for 4 a motion to approve this audit in the amount of 5 $385,840.86. 6 MS. GREENE: So moved. 7 MR. RUGGIERO: Second. 8 MR. PEDI: Any discussion? 9 (No response.) 10 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 11 MS. GREENE: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 13 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 15 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 17 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 19 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Okay. Next we go on to the 21 new item 6-A which is the resolution of 22 introduction and referral for Fifth Avenue and 23 Route 52, Gas Land. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. This is a 25 map amendment change. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 5 2 Mark, do you want to tell us just a 3 little bit here? 4 MR. TAYLOR: Sure. This is the property 5 at the corner of Route 52/South Plank Road and 6 Fifth Avenue which currently contains a 7 convenience store/gas station. The property owner 8 has petitioned for a zoning amendment which would 9 change the zoning from C-3, it's a pre-existing 10 nonconforming use in that residential zone, to 11 the B, Business District. The Business District 12 includes properties immediately adjacent to Route 13 84. It's an extension from the boundary of that 14 district to include this property which is, I 15 think, about three-quarters of an acre. 16 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, Mark. 17 So with that, we'll look for a 18 resolution of referral on this map amendment 19 change. Does someone want to make that motion? 20 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion for 21 the resolution. 22 MS. GREENE: I'll second. 23 MR. PEDI: Was that Councilwoman Greene 24 who seconded, please? 25 MS. GREENE: Yes, sir. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 6 2 MR. PEDI: Thank you. 3 Any further discussion? 4 (No response.) 5 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 6 MS. GREENE: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 8 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 9 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 10 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 12 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 14 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to the new 16 item 6-B which is the resolution to schedule a 17 public hearing. 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Do we have a 19 date for that public hearing, Joseph, that works? 20 Mark, too? 21 MR. PEDI: The next Town Board meeting 22 is scheduled for Monday, September 14th. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: At 7:00 we'll 24 make it then, Mark? 25 MR. TAYLOR: Yes. You have nothing -- TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 7 2 no other hearings scheduled at this point I 3 believe, so 7:00 works. 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay, good. So 5 we're looking for a motion to schedule that 6 public hearing on this topic, September 14th at 7 7:00. Does someone want to make that motion? 8 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 9 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll second the motion. 10 MR. PEDI: Was that Councilman LoBiondo 11 who seconded? 12 MR. LOBIONDO: It was. 13 MR. PEDI: Thank you. 14 Any further discussion? 15 (No response.) 16 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 17 MS. GREENE: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 19 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 21 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 23 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 8 2 MR. PEDI: Number 7 is deleted. Next we 3 go on to item 8, Orange County Youth Bureau, 4 COVID-19 revised funding contract. 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. So once 6 again, this is a resolution or a contract with 7 the County. 8 Mark, do you want to tell us just a 9 little bit here from the legal end, too? 10 MR. TAYLOR: This is basically a 11 funding contract for the summer youth police 12 academy. The County is providing $2,550 in 13 funding. This is less than it's provided in the 14 past due to the COVID-19 crisis. 15 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Very good. Does 16 someone want to make a motion? 17 MS. GREENE: I'll make the motion. I 18 also want to stress to everybody that we really 19 rely on the Youth Bureau. They support us on 20 D.A.R.E., plus are very supportive of the junior 21 police academy and when we are able to have camp 22 at Chadwick. So I thoroughly endorse this change. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Thank you, 24 Betty. 25 Did Betty make the motion, Joe? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 9 2 MR. PEDI: Yes. Councilwoman Greene 3 made the motion. Is there a second, please? 4 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 5 MR. PEDI: Okay. Motion made and 6 seconded. Any further discussion? 7 (No response.) 8 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 9 MS. GREENE: Yes. 10 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 11 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 12 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 13 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 15 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 9, 19 bond resolution, Gardnertown Road/Gidney Avenue 20 culvert. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. This 22 here, we're doing a bond resolution for an 23 additional $698,450. This is for the replacement 24 of the bridge or culvert at Gardner and 25 Gidneytown. The good news is we're reimbursed TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 10 2 eighty percent of the construction cost. Jim 3 Osborne also sent out an e-mail tonight. He's 4 okay with this addition. 5 So with that, I think we should have a 6 motion to approve it. 7 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 8 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 9 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 10 (No response.) 11 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 12 MS. GREENE: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 14 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 16 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 17 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 18 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 10 22 for data processing, purchase of two laptops. 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So these are two 24 laptops that we purchased from Dell. One would be 25 used by Jim Presutti, our Commissioner of Parks, TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 11 2 and the other one would be assigned here to my 3 office, the Supervisor's office, which will serve 4 several purposes as well as Zoom meetings and 5 that type of thing. 6 With that, we're looking to expend 7 $1,827.76, and that's with Dell for these two 8 laptops. 9 Does someone want to make that motion? 10 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll make the motion. 11 MR. RUGGIERO: And I'll second it. 12 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 13 (No response.) 14 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 15 MS. GREENE: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 17 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 19 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 21 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 24 Now we're going to look for a motion to 25 expand $1,827.76 from the computer reserve TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 12 2 account, which is account 001.1680.0497. Does 3 someone want to make that motion? 4 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. I'll make the 5 motion as well. 6 MR. MANLEY: And I'll second his 7 motion. 8 MR. PEDI: Was that Councilman Manley 9 who seconded? 10 MR. MANLEY: Yes, sir. 11 MR. PEDI: Thank you. Any further 12 discussion? 13 (No response.) 14 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 15 MS. GREENE: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 17 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 19 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 21 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 23 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: Next we have item 11 for 25 Hudson Plaza, electrical supplies. Please note TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 13 2 that the Town Supervisor increased it from 3 $3,007.24 to $5,000. 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. On 5 this one, back on November 6, 2019 we bid all 6 types of work for 21 Hudson Plaza. 21 Hudson 7 Plaza was a donation building that Dr. Rondano 8 actually gave us. It's a 7,500 square foot 9 building. So he gave it to us and then we secured 10 a grant for $250,000 to remodel it. Currently 11 Code Compliance and Animal Control are in there. 12 But on the electrical fixtures that we purchased, 13 this was the low bidder, however we bought 14 additional fixtures and they're telling me we 15 better approve another $5,000 to make sure we 16 cover the additional fixtures purchased so we can 17 pay HV Electrical. 18 Does someone want to make that motion 19 for the additional $5,000? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 21 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 22 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 23 MR. RUGGIERO: I'd like to just say 24 that this is for exterior lighting that wasn't 25 anticipated, and that's why the cost went up. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 14 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Very good, Paul. 3 Paul really did a lot of work on that building. 4 Clerk of the works he was there. Thank you, Paul. 5 MR. RUGGIERO: You're welcome. Thank 6 you. 7 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 8 (No response.) 9 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 10 MS. GREENE: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 12 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 14 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 16 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 17 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 12, 20 Jewish Family Service, memorandum of 21 understanding for services. 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. This is for 23 the new year, January 1, 2020 to December 31st. 24 This is an agreement with Jewish Family Services. 25 We know them locally as Friends of Seniors. They TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 15 2 do a tremendous amount of work for seniors here. 3 This is Councilman Manley's mom that really leads 4 the role here in the Town. We can't thank her 5 enough. So this is, again, an agreement. We're 6 asking the Town Board to once again give them 7 $2,000 based on the work they perform within this 8 Town. 9 So does someone want to make that 10 motion? 11 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll make the motion. 12 MR. RUGGIERO: And I'll second it. 13 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 14 (No response.) 15 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 16 MS. GREENE: Yes. 17 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 18 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 20 MR. MANLEY: Abstain. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 22 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 13, TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 16 2 purchase of Gador. 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: This is a Gador 4 from John Deere. It's a State bid. It will be 5 used at Recreation. Currently there are, I guess, 6 three Gadors being used. This will really help 7 as an extra one with some of the personnel to get 8 around and check the trail. 9 So with that, I'm looking to expend 10 $10,286.88 for the purchase of this John Deere 11 HPX-615E Gador. 12 MS. GREENE: So moved. 13 MR. RUGGERIO: And I'll second. 14 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 15 (No response.) 16 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 17 MS. GREENE: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 19 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 21 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 23 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 17 2 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 14 3 for the Assessment Review Board, reappointment of 4 Joseph Lecaroz. 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So Joseph has 6 been on the board. He's done a pretty outstanding 7 job I guess. We're looking to reappoint him again 8 as it's going to run out very shortly. That will 9 be a five-year appointment that will expire 10 September 30, 2025. 11 Does someone want to make that motion? 12 MS. GREENE: I will be glad to make 13 that motion to endorse Joe Lecaroz. 14 MR. MANLEY: I will second Joe Lecaroz. 15 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 16 (No response.) 17 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 18 MS. GREENE: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 22 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 24 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 18 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Next we have item 15. We 4 have two road name requests. The first one is 5 Ali Lane. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So I see that 7 Code has gone over this. What they're actually 8 saying is they're looking to rename a road from 9 East Rock Cut Road Corporation for their 10 subdivision which is located off of Fletcher. 11 They want to name the road Ali Lane, A-L-I Lane. 12 So does someone want to make that 13 motion? 14 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion. 15 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll second. 16 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 17 (No response.) 18 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 19 MS. GREENE: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 21 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 23 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 24 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 25 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 19 2 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 3 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 4 MR. PEDI: Next we have 15-B, another 5 private road name, Kailynn Court. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Here again, the 7 same thing. This subdivision is located off of 8 Lakeside Road. It's part of the Mann Subdivision. 9 They're looking at the name of Kailynn Court. I 10 guess Code has looked it over and is okay with 11 it. 12 Does someone want to make that motion? 13 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll make the motion. 14 MR. MANLEY: I'll second. 15 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 16 (No response.) 17 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 18 MS. GREENE: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 22 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 24 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 20 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 16, 4 Fleet Maintenance, surplus vehicle. 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. So 6 this is an International dump truck. I'm not 7 going to read the serial number off. So this 8 would become surplus, and it's a 2002 dump truck. 9 I think it's well over its time. But we will put 10 it out to auction. 11 So would someone want to make a motion 12 to declare this dump truck surplus? 13 MR. RUGGERIO: I'll make the motion. 14 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 15 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 16 (No response.) 17 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 18 MS. GREENE: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 20 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 22 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 24 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 25 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 21 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 3 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 17, 4 resolution, New York State Retirement System for 5 elected officials. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: It seems like 7 we'd just done this a few months ago, and we did. 8 Usually the Town Board will pass a resolution. 9 In order to be eligible in the Retirement System 10 you have to work a certain amount of hours, even 11 as an elected official. We've listed them and we 12 posted it for thirty days, and then the 13 Retirement System said our calculations were 14 wrong so we actually redone them. This is a 15 corrected version we have here tonight. So if we 16 approve this resolution as is, then it will be 17 put on the website, it will be posted in Town 18 Hall for thirty days and then sent to the 19 Retirement System. 20 So does someone want to make that 21 motion on this amended retirement form? 22 MS. GREENE: So moved. 23 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll second it. 24 MR. PEDI: Thank you. Any further 25 discussion? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 22 2 (No response.) 3 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 4 MS. GREENE: Yes. 5 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 6 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 7 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 8 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 9 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 10 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 12 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 18 for 14 the Police Department, solicitation to return two 15 police officers as laborers. 16 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: These are two 17 police officers with many years in the system 18 here with the Town. Very loyal police officers, 19 outstanding. What they're actually going to be 20 doing here on August 16th -- let's talk about Ted 21 Brucato first. He'll be vacating his position as 22 fleet sergeant on August 16th and will start as a 23 laborer on August 17, 2020. He'll probably be 24 assigned to the Park and help there. So Ted 25 Brucato, it will be an August 17, 2020 hire date TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 23 2 or start date with an hourly rate of $15.50 as 3 per the CSEA contract. 4 Does someone want to make that motion? 5 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 6 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 7 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 8 (No response.) 9 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 10 MS. GREENE: Yes. 11 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 12 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 14 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 16 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 17 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 19 Let's do this next one now, which is 20 James Nenni. He also will be vacating his 21 position as lieutenant on September 6, 2020 and 22 will also start as a laborer in Recreation at an 23 hourly rate of 15.50 with a start date of 24 September 7, 2020. 25 Does someone want to make that motion? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 24 2 MR. MANLEY: I'll make that motion. 3 MR. PEDI: Was that you, Councilman 4 Ruggiero? 5 MR. RUGGIERO: No. It was Scott Manley 6 -- Councilman Manley. 7 MR. PEDI: Thank you. Do I have a 8 second, please? 9 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll second it. 10 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 11 (No response.) 12 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 13 MS. GREENE: Yes. 14 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 15 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 17 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 18 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 19 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 20 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 22 MR. PEDI: Next we have a new item 19, 23 the first of two add-ons. This is for the Highway 24 Department, approval to hire MEO 1A employee. 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: All right. Our TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 25 2 Highway Superintendent, Mark Hall, is requesting 3 permission to start the process to hire an MEO 4 1A. That was due to a retirement that he's had. 5 Does someone want to make the motion to 6 allow him to start the process? 7 MR. RUGGIERO: I'll make the motion. 8 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll second it. 9 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 10 (No response.) 11 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 12 MS. GREENE: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 14 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 15 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 16 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 17 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 18 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Next we have the last 22 add-on, which is a new item 20 for Animal Control 23 for a T-94 withdrawal. 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Cheryl 25 Cunningham, our Animal Control Officer, wants TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 26 2 authorization to make an expenditure for the T-94 3 account which is a donation account. This is in 4 the amount of $30. That would be to Flannery 5 Animal Hospital. 6 Can someone make that motion? 7 MR. LOBIONDO: I'll make the motion. 8 MR. MANLEY: I'll second it. 9 MR. PEDI: Any further discussion? 10 (No response.) 11 MR. PEDI: Mrs. Greene? 12 MS. GREENE: Yes. 13 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? I'm sorry. 14 Councilman Ruggiero? 15 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 16 MR. PEDI: Thank you. 17 Mr. Manley? 18 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 20 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: Next we go on to item 21 for 24 announcements. 25 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: The only thing I TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 27 2 have to say is we had another rough week here 3 with the storm. Our own Highway, and Police, and 4 Town employees really worked extraordinarily 5 well. We just keep getting hit with one after 6 another. 7 I want to say Central Hudson was very 8 cooperative, too, in restoring power. So I think 9 we've really got to give Central Hudson a pat on 10 the back for this one. 11 I'm probably going to turn it over to 12 somebody else for comment. I just noticed tonight 13 that I look better on these videos with my mask 14 on than without. 15 Betty, do you have anything? 16 MS. GREENE: No, I don't. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Paul? 18 MR. RUGGIERO: No. You said it with 19 Highway and the Police. They did a great job. 20 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Scott? 21 MR. MANLEY: The same thing. I was just 22 going to do Highway, Police and Central Hudson 23 and everybody else. The fire department and 24 ambulance people were out there all night also. 25 Everybody did a great job. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 28 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Absolutely. 3 Councilman LoBiondo? 4 MR. LOBIONDO: I just echo the same 5 thing. The storm kind of crept up on us. I wasn't 6 expecting it to be as severe as it was. We were 7 out of power for three days. The Town came 8 through. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Very good. Thank 10 you. 11 MS. GREENE: Gil, excuse me. I do want 12 to say thank you to all the firemen and the 13 ambulance corps. They had complete, the whole 14 County, every fire department was on standby 15 because something happened to the 911 16 headquarters. The guys and gals spent the whole 17 night at the fire department. 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: A lot of 19 dedication, Betty. We really have some excellent 20 people in this Town. 21 MS. GREENE: Yes, we do. 22 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. Bob, did 23 we have anybody in the audience? We are open to 24 public comments. Is there anyone listening or 25 watching tonight? TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 29 2 MR. ROBERT PIAQUADIO: It looks like 3 three. 4 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: So we're going 5 to just go down the list of who is watching to 6 see if they have any comment. The first one is 7 who, Bob? 8 MR. ROBERT PIAQUADIO: Nick 9 Ward-Willis. 10 MR. WARD-WILLIS: I have no comments. 11 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: No comment. 12 Thank you, Nick. 13 Who else do we have, Bob? We have Jim 14 Osborne. 15 Bill, do you want to say something? 16 MR. FETTER: Yes. Thank you. Am I on 17 air? 18 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: You're there. 19 MR. FETTER: Great. Great. Okay. It was 20 nice Saturday I guess for the welcoming gathering 21 at Chadwick for Anthony LoBiondo as a new 22 Councilman. That was a nice gathering. Thank you 23 for that. I enjoyed it. 24 MR. LOBIONDO: Thank you. 25 MR. FETTER: I notice the culvert cost TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 30 2 has gone up, and that's not surprising at all 3 with all the delays and everything else that has 4 happened. This is the Gardnertown/Gidney Avenue 5 culvert. 6 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Correct. 7 MR. FETTER: Has that been awarded? I 8 know the contracts or the proposals were due. 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Well this will 10 give us the ability to award it now. 11 Am I correct, Mark, now that we have 12 approved the extra -- 13 MR. TAYLOR: The bids were opened -- 14 the bids were opened. With authorization the 15 Board will be able to approve the lowest 16 responsible bidder and award it. 17 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Bill, I think 18 you're cutting out, unless it's just me. 19 MR. LOBIONDO: I can't hear him either. 20 MR. ROBERT PIAQUADIO: He froze. 21 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: It looks like 22 you froze on the screen, Bill. It's awful hot out 23 there but you're frozen I think. 24 Can we get him back? 25 MR. FETTER: One last question. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 31 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Okay. We got 3 you. Go ahead. 4 MR. FETTER: One last question. On the 5 police officers moving to the Parks Department, 6 is it a separate union that they're not getting 7 credit for their time in the retirement system? 8 Is that the reason for the shift? 9 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: The way it 10 actually works is if they -- well it's funny 11 because one of them already worked for the Town 12 before in the CSEA. If they move to CSEA, they'll 13 be able to get that time also that they had when 14 they worked for the Town before they became 15 police officers. They'll add those years 16 together. It's an advantage to them, and we'll 17 also get some use out of them as laborers 18 actually at the park. 19 We also have another one working, Dave 20 Otto. An outstanding fellow. He's taken the job 21 at the guard shack. It has nothing to do with his 22 retirement. He's just working there because he 23 wants something to do. He's great with people. 24 He's a great guy to do that. 25 MR. FETTER: Okay. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 32 2 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Bill, did that 3 answer your questions for now? 4 MR. FETTER: Yes. 5 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Anyone else 6 that's listening? That's it, Bobby? 7 I guess that's all we have in the 8 audience. 9 If there are no other comments from 10 anyone, we'll make a motion to adjourn I guess. 11 MR. MANLEY: I'll make the motion. 12 MS. GREENE: I'll second your motion. 13 MR. PEDI: Motion made and seconded to 14 adjourn at 7:28 p.m. 15 Mrs. Greene? 16 MS. GREENE: Yes. 17 MR. PEDI: Mr. Ruggiero? 18 MR. RUGGIERO: Yes. 19 MR. PEDI: Mr. Manley? 20 MR. MANLEY: Yes. 21 MR. PEDI: Mr. LoBiondo? 22 MR. LOBIONDO: Yes. 23 MR. PEDI: And Mr. Piaquadio? 24 SUPERVISOR PIAQUADIO: Yes. 25 Thank you, everyone. TOWN BOARD MEETING - 8/10/20 1 33 2 (Time noted: 7:28 p.m.) 3 4 5 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 6 7 8 I, MICHELLE CONERO, a Notary Public 9 for and within the State of New York, do hereby 10 certify: 11 That hereinbefore set forth is a 12 true record of the proceedings. 13 I further certify that I am not 14 related to any of the parties to this proceeding by 15 blood or by marriage and that I am in no way 16 interested in the outcome of this matter. 17 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto 18 set my hand this 14th day of August 2020. 19 20 21 _________________________ MICHELLE CONERO 22 23 24 25