Zoning Board of Appeals
- Zoning Board of Appeals
Zoning Board of Appeals Darrin J. Scalzo Chairman Board Members: Darrell W. Bell John D. Masten James Eberhart Jr. Greg Hermance Sr Donna Hopper Rein Attorney - David A. Donovan, Esq. Siobhan Jablesnik Acting Secretary The Zoning Board of Appeals is required by State Law when there is zoning in place. The ZBA is directly given appellate jurisdiction by State Law. Appellate jurisdiction is the power to hear and decide appeals from decision of those officials charged with the administration and enforcement of the Zoning Law (Zoning Administrator and the Building Inspector). This is the Primary function and purpose of the ZBA, and it encompasses the power to Interpret the Zoning Law and grant Special Use Permits under the Town’s Zoning Law. ZBA normally meets once a month on the 4th Thursday. Meetings are in the Town Hall (1496 Route 300) meeting room at 7:00 PM.