Town of Newburgh 1878-79

Directory 1878-79
Town of Newburgh
Aderton John L., farmer, p o Saville.
Albertson Ezekiel, farmer, p o Marlborough.
Aldredge Abram, lab, p o Saville.
Amerman Avery, farmer, p o Saville.
Anderson John, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Anthony W. C., atty. at law, res Grand ave.
Armstrong Gouverneur W., farmer, p o Marlborough.
Armstrong Wm. H., farmer, p o Marlborough.
Atkinson Benj. D., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Baker Deborah, p o Newburgh.
Ball Henry, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Barclay David, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Barclay David H., atty at law, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Barns Nathaniel sr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Barns Nathaniel jr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Barns Danl. D., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Barns Wm. D., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Barrett Augustus, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Barrett Rufus, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Barry Wm., lab, p o Newburgh.
Barton Chauncy, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Beattie Alex, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Beebe E., propr, hotel, p o Newburgh.
Belknap Mrs. Sands, p o Newburgh.
Bell Wm. H., civil engineer, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Benjamin Amzi, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Benkard Henry, p o Newburgh.
Benson John, carpenter, p o N ewburgh.
Berry Mrs. Caroline, wid, res Ellenville pike, p o Newburgh.
Berry Miss M. J., res Ellenville pike, p o Newburgh.
Betts Frederick J., p o Newburgh.
Betts Wm. M., res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Bingham Chas. E., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bingham Thos., atty. at law, Newburgh.
Bircurary Wm., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Birdsall Albert, farmer, p o Plattekill.
Birdsall Chas., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Birdsall Danl., farmer, p o Plattekill.
Birdsall Danl. J., farmer, p o Plattekill.
Birdsall Gideon, farmer, p o Plattekill.
Birdsall John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Birdsall Thos. 0., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Birdsall Thos. W., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Birdsall Saml., farmer, p o Plattekill.
Bloomer Andrew J., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bond John H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bond John W., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bond Geo. farmer, yes Town of Blooming Grove, p o Washingtonville.
Bond Stephen, farmer, res Town of B. Grove, p o Washingtonville.
Boyd Wm., lab, p o Newburgh.
Brewer Nathan, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Brewster Wm. C., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Bridgeman Alfred, res Grand ave.
Brooks Stephen T., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Brooks T. B., geologist, res Grand ave.
Brown Chas, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Brown Judge C. Frank, County Judge, res Grand ave.
Brown H. K., sculptor, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Brown John, lab, p o Saville.
Brown Walter, p o Newburgh.
Brundage James H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Brundage Jonathan, farmer, p o Shawangunk.
Bull Joseph, farmer, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Burch Pulaski sr., farmer, p o Saville.
Burch Pulaski jr., farmer, p o Saville.
Burns John, gardener, res Grand ave, p o Newburgh.
Burton Josiah H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bush Abram, lab, p o Middlehope.
Bush Gilbert, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bushfield James C., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Bushfield Chas., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Bushfield John W., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Buxton Josiah H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Calyer Chas. D., milkman, p o Newburgh.
Calyer Mrs. Morie, p o Newburgh.
Calyer Gilbert, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Calyer Isaac, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Calyer John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Calyer Richard, lab, p o Newburgh.
Caneine James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Carlisle Saml. W., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Carroll Martin, lab, p o Newburgh.
Carroll Michael, lab, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Carr Robt. J., lab, p o Newburgh.
Carson James, lab, p o Cronomers Valley.
Carson Robt., lab, p o Newburgh.
Carson Wm. H., lab, p o Cronomers Valley.
Carver H. H., farmer, res w of Newburgh.
Carver James, lab, p o East Coldenham.
Chidey James Sr., p o Middlehope
Chidey James jr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Christee Geo., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Clark Barney, lab, p o Newburgh
Clark Chas. B., dry goods and groceries, Postmaster, Middlehope.
Clark James, farmer, p o Crnnomers Valley.
Clark John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Clark Leander sr., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Clark Leander jr., brickmaker, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Clark Wm. P., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Cleaver Henry P., lab, p o Newburgh.
Cochran Isaac, p o Newburgh.
Cole Henry, lab, p o Newburgh.
Coleman Eugene K., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Collard Chas. B., farmer, Ellenville pike, p o Newburgh.
Collard Thos., farmer, res Ellenville pike, p o Newburgh.
Collins James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Colyer Abram, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Conklin James O., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Conway Patrick, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cooley James, gardener, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Corrigan John, lab, res Grand ave, p o Newburgh.
Corrigan Peter, lab, res Grand ave, p o Newburgh.
Corwin Hannah, p o Newburgh.
Cosgrove Thos., lab, p o Newburgh.
Cosman Aaron, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cosman Denton, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cosman Fenton, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cosman Gilbert W., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cosman Hudson, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Cosman John, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cosman Oliver, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Cosman Wm. C. sr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Cosman Wm. C. jr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Coverly Lewis N., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Coyle Edward, p o Cronomers Valley.
Cranb Alex, gardener, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Crawford Chas., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Crawford Gidney S., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Croak Daniel, farmer, p o Saville.
Cronkright Isaac, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Crowell Robert B., farmer, p o St. Andrews.
Crowell Wm., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Crowell Wm. J., farmer, p o St. Andrews.
Crunichael James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Culbert Wm., p o Newburgh.
Cunber Leopold S., wks powder mill, res powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Dailey Archibald, lab, p o Newburgh.
Daly Wm. W., fisherman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Daughaday Wm. H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Davis Hon. J. C. Bancroft, p o Newburgh.
Dean Henry, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Decker Alonzo, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Decker Frederick, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Delano Warren, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Denton Thos. B., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Denton Robt., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Dermage Robt., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Dervin James, coachman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Dewitt Chas W., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Deyo Broadhead, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Deyo Abram, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Dingey John, lab, p o Middlehope.
Dishua Michael, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Donohue Patrick, lab, p o Newburgh.
Doyle Michael, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Dubois Matthew W., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Dudley Henry, p o Newburgh.
Dunwill Benj., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Eager Geo., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Eather Edward, wks powder mill, res powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Eaton Mrs. Wm., p o Newburgh.
Edwards David, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Elliott Geo. A., p o Newburgh.
Ellison Thos., res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Embler Andrew, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Farnum Mrs. John, farm, p o Newburgh.
Fellows Mrs. Laura, p o Newburgh.
Ferdon Chas., lab, p o Middlehope.
Ferguson Griffin, lab, p o Saville.
Ferguson Hezekiah, farmer, p o Saville.
Ferguson Wm., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Finn Mrs. Emily, p o Middlehope.
Flanery Garry, lab, p o Cronomers Valley.
Flanery Patrick, lab, p o Middlehope.
Flanagan John, gardener, p o Newburgh.
Flanagan Rona, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Flanagan Wm., lab, res Liberty st, p o Newburgh.
Flynn Chas., lab, p o Newburgh.
Force T. S., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Forsyth Mrs. Robt., p o Newburgh.
Foster John L., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Fowler Chas., farmer, p o Saville.
Fowler C. Gilbert, propr, brickyard p o Middlehope.
Fowler David E., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Fowler Geo., farmer, p o Saville.
Fowler Geo W., fruit glower, p o Middlehope.
Fowler Henry D., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Fowler Samuel, p o Middlehope.
Fredenburgh Fredk., mason, p o Saville.
Gardiner Chauncy F., overseer of poor house, p o Newburgh.
Gardiner Isaac, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Garrison Dewitt, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Garrison Drake, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Garrison Isaac D., farmer, p o Shawangunk.
Garrison Isaac T., farmer p o Cronomers Valley.
Gedney Chas. W., school commissioner, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Gedney Eleazer, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Gedney Capt. L., farmer, res w of Newburgh.
Gentsch Theo., farmer, p o Newburgh.
George Geo., ice dealer 29 Second st., Newburgh, res w of city.
Gibbins Lawrence, lab, p o Cronomers Valley.
Gillies Jacob, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Gordon Clarence, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Gordon Geo., res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Gray Thos., grist and saw mill, farmer, p o Saville.
Greig James, lab, res Liberty st., p o Newburgh.
Griffin Chas., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Griffin Elisha H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Griffin Franklin S., farmer, p o Saville.
Griffin Henry, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Griffin James, engineer, E RR, p o Newburgh.
Griffin Nelson, farmer, p o Saville.
Griggs Ferdinand, farmer, p o Saville.
Griggs Isaac B., farmer, p o Saville.
Griggs John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Griggs Wolsey, farmer, p o Cronomers Valiey.
Grovier Theo. R., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Halstead Hiram, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Halstead Jefferson, lab, p o Middlehope.
Halstead John, lab, p o Middlehope.
Halstead Isaac, farmer, p o Saville.
Handibole Thos., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Hanmore John, farmer, p o Saville.
Hanna James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Harris J. A., farmer, p o Saville.
Harris Geo. W., lab, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Harris Oscar, farmer, p o Saville.
Hartshorn Alvah, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Hartshorn A. D., farmer, p o Plattekill.
Hartsborn Andrew, farmer, p o Plattekill.
Hartshorn C. H. farmer, p o Saville.
Hartshorn Daniel, farmer, p o Plattekill.
Hartshorn Isaac, farmer, p o Saville.
Hawkins N. T., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Headly Henry, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Hedges Lewis, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Hedges Sabra, farmer, p o Saville.
Henderson Wm., lab, p o Newburgh.
Heron John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Higgins Henry C., Newburgh plaster works, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Hill Wm., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Hoag Chas. W., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Holmes Albert, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Homan Robert, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Horton Silas, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Howell David D., farmer. p o Middlehope.
Howell P. W., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Howell Renselaer, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Hubler Rudolph, lab, p o Saville.
Hugh Adam, lab, p o Saville.
Humphries Edward, lab, p o Middlehope.
Humphry James, gardener, p o Newburgh.
Hurd Burr, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Innis Aaron, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Innis Thos. D., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Jagger David, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Jenkins Cap. Chas. S., res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Jenkins Isaac S., farmer, p o Shawangunk.
Jennings Andrew D., boatman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Jennings Daniel C., boatman, res Balmville. p o Newburgh.
Jennings David E., boatman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Jennings Ezekiel, fisherman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Johnson Chas., lab, res Ellenville road, p o Newburgh.
Johnes Chas. E., res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Johnes Mrs. Edward, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Johnes G. D., res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Johnston B. K., hotel and postmaster, East Coldenham.
Johnson Saml. C., col, lab, p o Cronomers Valley.
Johnson Thos., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
J ova John J., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Kenney Thos., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Kennedy Patrick, gardener, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Kevley James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Koch Christian, milkman, p o Middlehope.
Koch Henry, hotel propr, p o Newburgh.
Kohl Valentine, shoemaker, p o Middlehope.
Krom Levi, farmer, p o Saville.
Laflin and Rand Powder Co. mnfrs. of sporting and military powder, office 26 Murray st., N. Y. city, factory Ellenville pike w of Newburgh, W. H. Smith, superintendent.
Lafountain James, carpenter, p o Cronomers Valley.
Landsberry David, carpenter, p o Newburgh.
Landsberry J. B., lab, p o Cronomers Valley.
Lent Henry sr., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Lester Isaac N., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Lewis Richard, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Lockwood Cornelius, farmer, p o Saville.
Lockwood Chas. W., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Lockwood Isaac, farmer, p o Saville.
Loscamp Conrad, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Lowe Wm. S., engineer Powder mill, res Powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Lozier John, lab, p o Newburgh.
Lozier Oliver, farmer, p o Saville.
McAlister Richard M., p o Newburgh.
McAnely John, farmer, w of Newburgh, p o same.
McBurney John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
McCann James, lab, res Liberty st, p o Newburgh.
McCann Saml., farmer, p o Newburgh.
McCarty James, farmer, p o Saville.
McCarty John, lab, p o Newburgh.
McClugan Wm., farmer, p o Newburgh.
McConnell John, lab, p o Newburgh.
McConnell Nathaniel, farmer, p o Saville.
McConnell Wm. H., farmer, p o Middlehope.
McCourty Dennis, farmer, p o Middlehope.
McCoy Thos., blacksmith, Middlehope.
McCoy Saml. sr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
McCoy Samuel jr., farmer, p o Middlehope.
McCroskey James, p o Newburgh.
McDonald Christopher, coachman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
McDowell David, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
McDowell David, p o Newburgh.
McGathern Patrick, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
McGoerk John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
McLaughlin James, farmer, res w of Newburgh, p o same.
McMurdic Anthony, farmer, p o Newburgh.
McVey James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Machan Edward, lab, p o Newburgh.
Mahary James, blacksmith, res Ellenville Pike, p o Newburgh.
Mahary John, blacksmith, res north Plank Road, p o Newburgh.
Mahary Samuel, blacksmith, res Ellenville Pike, p o Newburgh.
Mahary Mrs Sarah, wid, p o Newburgh.
Mahar Patrick lab, p o Middlehope.
Maloy Edward, lab, p o Newburgh.
Martin Barney, lab, p o Middlehope.
Martin John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Marsdon Wm., miller. p o Newburgh.
Marston David, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Marston Wm. H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Marston Wm. C., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Mathews Bernard, farmer, po Newburgh.
Mayhood James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Meneely Joseph, butcher, p o Newburgh.
Merritt Danl., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Merritt Josiah H., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Milborn Saml. J., dry goods and groceries, p o Newburgh.
Miller Mrs. Aaron, wid, res nr Orange Lake, p o Newburgh.
Miller David, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Miller Geo., gardener, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Milller Isaac H., p o Newburgh.
Miller Theodore, butcher, p o Newburgh.
Mills Thos., lab, p o Middlehope.
Mitchell Hiram, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Mitchell John, lab, p o Newburgh.
Monell John N., fruit grower, p o Newburgh.
Monell Wm. L., fruit grower, p o Newburgh.
Montgomery David, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Moore John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Morris Wm., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Morton Mary, p o Newburgh.
Mullineaux Elizabeth, p o Saville.
Murtfeldt Henry W., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Nichols Danl. M., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Nichols Mrs Wm., p o Newburgh.
Northrup Henry C., farmer, p o Newburgh.
O’Brien Patrick, lab, p o Newburgh.
O'Rourke James, lab, p o Newburgh.
Orr John, p o Newburgh.
Ormsbee Dr. Clarence, physician and surgeon, p o East Coldenham.
Osborn Joseph D., carpenter, p o Newburgh.
Owen Aaron, farmer, p o Saville.
Owen James, miller, res N Plank road, p o Newburgh.
Palmer A. F., pastor, Rossville and Pleasant Valley churches, p o Cronomers Valley.
Parliman N. R., blacksmith, p o Saville.
Patten Adam, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Patten James Sr., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Patten James H., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Payle Herman, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Peck Wm., lab, p o Newburgh.
Peck Thos. J., gate-tender, res Newburgh and Ellenville pike, p o Newburgh.
Pepper Elijah, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Phelan Nicholas, lab, p o Newburgh.
Pickens Chas., farmer, p o Saville.
Pickens Thos., farmer, p o Saville.
Pierson Wm. L., teamster powder mills, res powder wks, p o Newbugh.
Piggott Michael, lab, p o East Coldenham.
Powell Elias, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Powell Mrs. Catherine, p o St. Andrews.
Powell John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Powell Jonah, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Powers James, lab, p o Newburgh.
Powler Wm. B., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Pratt Ethan R., lab, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Pratt Wm., lab, p o Middlehope.
Presler Isaac, farmer, p o Saville.
Presler Matthew, farmer, p o Saville.
Presler Seward, lab, p o Saville.
Presler Wm. A., farmer, p o Saville.
Prestler Albert, farmer, p o Saville.
Prestler J. C., farmer, p o Saville.
Pudney Jacob, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Purdy James D., undertaker, p o Middlehope.
Pushman Otto, lab, p o Newburgh.
Reed Robt, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Revill Wm. sr., lab, p o Newburgh.
Revill Wm. jr., lab, p o Newburgh.
Reid David, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Rice John. lab, p o Middlehope.
Robertson John, farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Robinson Mrs. Mary, p o Newburgh.
Robertson Valentine, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Rodgers Daniel, p o Newburgh.
Rodgers Mrs. V. G., p o Newburgh.
Rodman John G., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Rodman Miss Mary E., p o Newburgh.
Rogers Mrs. C., wid, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Ronk James D., farmer, p o Saville.
Ronk John I., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Ronk Philip I., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Ronk Wm. M., farmer, p o Plattekill.
Rose James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Ross John, wks powder mill, res powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Sarvis Jane, p o Saville.
Schoonmaker Calvin, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Scott David A., atty. at law, Second st, bds David Bradley.
Sears Benj., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Seymour G., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Seymour Andrew, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Shaw Rev. James, p o East Coldenham.
Shaw Wm., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Shay Abel B., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Shelton T. B., p o Newburgh.
Sherwood Chas., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Shirkey Joseph, propr, hotel, p o Cronomers Valley.
Shurter C. C., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Skeel Rufus B., res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Slaughter Fred, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Slavin Michael, lab, p o Newburgh.
Sloan James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Sloat John C., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Smith Daniel, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Smith Henry, boatman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Smith Henry C., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Smith John H., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Smith John R., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Smith Wm. H., sup., powder works, res 128 Third sr, Newburgh.
Smith Wm. L., boatman, res Balmville, p o Newburgh.
Snider Abram, blacksmith, p o Middlehope.
Snider Chas., farmer, p o Walden.
Snider Wm. C., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Snider Wm. W., farmer, p o St. Andrews.
Sparks C. A., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Sparks Geo., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Spelman Michael, lab, p o Newburgh.
Standring Edwin, lab, p o Newburgh.
Stansbrough Peter M., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Stansbrough Thos., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Stanton Carpenter, blacksmith, p o Newburgh.
Stanton James, lab, p o Newburgh.
Stanton Richard, lab, p o Newburgh.
Stevens 0. E., propr, hotel, p o Newburgh.
Stephens E. S., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Stewart John R., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Stewart Jonathan, farmer, p o Newburgh.
St. John Hon. Danl. B., State senator, pres., Newburgh Savings bank, res Grand ave. p o Newburgh.
Stott Geo., lab, p o Newburgh.
Taggart James, butcher, p o Newburgh.
Tare Wm. S., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Taylor James, Taylors woolen mill, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Terry Harvey V., gardener, res Grand ave, p o Newburgh.
Terpening Henry, farmer, p o Saville.
Terry Chas., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Terry Danl., farmer, p o Saville.
Terry James, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Terry Henry, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Terry Richard, farmer, p o Saville.
Terwilliger Geo., p o East Coldenham.
Terwilliger Nelson, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Thitchner Wm. T., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Thomas J. W., p o Newburgh.
Thompson Eleanor, p o Newburgh.
Thompson Wm. J., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Thorn John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Thorn J. H., farmer, p o St. Andrews.
Tompkins Joseph, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Tremper Isaac D., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Tremper John C., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Trumper Wm., farmer, p o Saville.
Vail Charles St. John, atty at law, office law bldg . res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Vail Walter S., res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Van Dozer James, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Van Wagoner Edward, farmer, res N. Plank road, p o Newburgh.
Vernol John D., farmer p o Newburgh.
Vredenburgh Henry, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wade W. W., lab, p o Newburgh.
Wait Saml., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wait John, farmer, w of Newburgh, p o same.
Wait Wm. C., farmer, w of Newburgh.
Walker Chas. B., foreman powder mills, res powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Wall Mrs. Henry, wid, res Grand ave.
Ward Chas., lab, p o Middlehope.
Ward John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Ward John J., lab, p o Middlehope.
Ward Jacob, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Ward Stephen, lab, p o Middlehope.
Ward Richard, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Ward Thos., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Ward W. W., farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.
Wardell John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Warford John, lab, p o Newburgh.
Waring Albert N, farmer, res Powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Waring Alvah, undertaker and farmer, p o Saville.
Waring Isaac E., farmer, res nr Powder mills, p o Newburgh.
Waring Jacob M., teacher and town clerk, p o Newburgh.
Waring Wm., farmer, p o Newhurgh.
Waring Wright, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Watson Geo., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Watts Edward, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Watts Solomon, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Waugh Robt., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Wear A. P., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wear James, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Weddle Joseph H., (Thomas Weddle & Co., paint wks) res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Weintz J. M., res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Weirt Hiram, lab, p o Middlehope.
Wells Henry, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wells Thos. I., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wells Walter, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wells Wm., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Westlike Jacob, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Westlake Thos., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Westlake Thos T., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Westrim Augustus, coachman, res Grand ave, p o Newburgh.
Weyant S. D., p o Newburgh.
Weygant Lewis, farmer, p o Newburgh.
White Peter, lab, p o Newburgh.
Wigham W. J., farmer, p o East Coldenham.
Williams Chas. E., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Williams Gilbert, farmer, p o Middlehope.
Williams John I., lab, p o Newburgh.
Williams Jeremiah, lab p o Newburgh.
Williams Jonas, p o Newburgh.
Williams Humphry, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Williams Richard, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Williamson Aaron, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Willits Amos H., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Willson John, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wood Isaac Sr., farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wood Mrs. I. G., p o Newburgh.
Wood Dr. L. B., veterinary surgeon, res Balmville road, p o Newburgh.
Wood Wm. H., farmer, p o Middlehope.
Wright James, Washington Iron Works, res with Wm. Wright.
Wright Wm., propr, Washington Iron Works res Grand ave.
Wyatt Albert, p o Cronomers Valley.
Wyatt C. W., dry goods and groceries, postmaster, Cronomers Valley.
Wyatt H. D., blacksmith, p o Cronomers Valley.
Wyatt Joseph, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Wygant Kelso, farmer, p o Saville.
Yack Philip, wks powder mill, res powder wks, p o Newburgh.
Yack Wm., wks powder mill, res powder works.
Yates John, lab, p o Newburgh.
Young Alex, farmer, p o Newburgh.
Young Jacob, farmer, p o Cronomers Valley.